Postdoctoral Reseach Associate in Mathematics at Durham University
Regular subdivisions, bounds on initial ideals, and categorical limits (joint with George Balla, Daniel Corey, and Igor Makhlin) arxiv, extended abstract |
Log-concavity for independent sets of valuated matroids (joint with Jeff Giansiracusa, Felipe Rincón, and Martin Ulirsch) arxiv |
Tropical Quiver Grassmannians (joint with Giulia Iezzi) arxiv extended example |
Tropical Möbius strips and ruled surfaces (joint with Thomas Blomme) arxiv |
Linear degenerate tropical flag varieties (joint with Alessio Borzi) arxiv |
Faithful tropicalizations of hyperelliptic curves (joint with Hannah Markwig and Lukas Ristau) to appear as a bookchapter in the OSCAR book, arxiv |
Recovery of plane curves from branch points (joint with Daniele Agostini, Hannah Markwig, Clemens Nollau, Javier Sendra-Arranz and Bernd Sturmfels) Discrete & Computational Geometry, journal article arXiv |
Computations in OSCAR (joint with Mara Belotti, Michael Joswig, Chiara Meroni, and Johannes Schmitt) SIAM News, September 2023 Issue, pages 9-10 |